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Andrea is on an environmental justice mission. Her path? Electrification.

Andrea driving her solar collector tank home on her EV

Andrea is on an environmental justice mission. Her path? Electrification.

In the heart of Los Angeles, Andrea works from home — powered by clean energy —  to accelerate environmental justice with the nonprofit, Vote Solar. She shares how she made the switch to electrify her life, from her and her husband’s vehicles to their fixer-upper home.


I’m Andrea León-Grossmann, a Mexican-born immigrant on a mission for environmental justice. 

Picture this: I spent 15 years of cozying up in a rent-controlled studio in the heart of Los Angeles, dreaming of my future home sweet home. Fast forward to 2010, and bam! My husband and I snagged ourselves a fixer-upper.

2012 was a big year for us. We not only signed the lease to adorn our house in rooftop solar, but also welcomed our first electric vehicle, a nifty Toyota RAV4 Prime to our family. Commuting 20 miles to work became a breeze, plus we were pocketing an extra $4,500 annually by waving goodbye to gasoline. No more smog checks, no more oil changes – just smooth clean rides and more savings.

Fast track to today, and we’ve added a Chevy Bolt, packing more range for longer trips. Every 12 to 18 months, we give our EVs a little TLC, making sure they’re software-savvy and their tires are ready for the road. But other maintenance expenses and fuel costs? Still a distant memory.

Now, let’s talk about our kitchen electrification revolution. Three years ago, we ditched our gas stove, embracing the sleek and efficient induction stove. 

In 2021, when our washer and dryer duo called it quits, we replaced them with the most efficient models in town. Another opportunity to pass on gas and go with an all-electric clothes dryer, and keep our electrification streak going.

In 2021, we kicked our gas furnace and AC to the curb, welcoming a heat pump into our electric home. Last winter, while many felt the pain of rising gas bills, we were relaxed and cozy, and enjoying an extra $800 in our pockets. 

Now, the grand finale on our electrification journey is in sight as we eye the last frontier: our gas water heater’s replacement with a heat pump water heater. Bye, bye, dirty gas – our journey to a greener, cleaner world is almost complete! 

Bye, bye, dirty gas – our journey to a greener, cleaner world is almost complete! 

In my new role at Vote Solar, I am now an advocate to ensure everyone has access to clean energy, especially renters. Everyone deserves access to the benefits a clean, electric place to live offers.