Solar for All Schools

Join the movement for solar-powered schools in every community.

The Momentum

growth in solar capacity at nationwide K-12 schools in 10 years
0 %

The Opportunity

metric tons of CO2 could be removed each year if all K-12 schools were 100% solar-powered
0 million

Top Reasons for Schools to Switch to Solar:

Schools across the country are rapidly switching to solar power for the economic, educational, and community benefits. Federal funds and incentives are making it even more affordable for schools to go solar to meet their energy needs while also gaining significant cost savings, STEM learning opportunities, and technology for workforce training.

Solar power on U.S. K-12 schools more than quadrupled in 10 years

Today, at least one in nine students in the country attend a K-12 school powered by solar energy. Read this report to learn more about the nation’s progress toward a brighter future with our schools powered by 100% clean energy.
Brighter Future

Mapping The Solar Movement

Interested in finding a school with solar near you? Want to know how your state ranks for solar adoption by schools? Check out the interactive map from our recent report.

Find a solar school near you and learn more about the solar installation


View state rankings for school solar capacity and number of solar schools

Got Clean Energy Questions? We Can Help.

Search our virtual Clean Energy Help Desk for Schools to find articles, resources, and answers to FAQs about solar, battery storage, electric school buses, funding options, and more.

Be a Spark for Solar at Your School

Use our How-to-Guide to learn what to expect in each step of the solar development process and check out the Introduction to Solar Financing for Schools.