
Maryland ranks in the top ten states in the country for number of schools with solar.  Maryland is poised to lead the country in the adoption rate of solar by school districts. 

Generation180 is working to ensure that all Maryland schools can access the benefits of going solar, including reduced energy bills, enhanced STEM education, workforce development, and healthier communities.

Decarbonizing Maryland Public Schools

Generation180 is a project partner of the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA). We are supporting Maryland public schools in accessing a new $24 million funding opportunity for K-12 schools, Decarbonizing Public Schools Program.  The MEA is currently reviewing applications from statewide school districts to fund initiatives that promote clean and efficient energy use for current and future K-12 schools. Funding is currently available to support public school projects across four Areas of Interest (AOI): capacity building; energy efficiency; solar on schools; and net zero energy (NZE) schools. Application period closed on March 15, 2024. 

School Leadership in Clean Energy Network

Maryland school leaders are championing clean energy in their communities. Through our SLICE Network, these leaders gain public recognition for their schools, get support to continue to advance clean energy, and connect with peers.

Expanding Solar Adoption at Schools in Maryland

We are working to bring the benefits of solar energy to all school communities statewide. Help us keep our map updated by letting us know about successful solar projects at your school.