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Author: Visceral Dev Admin

Understanding Energy Storage

Learn about the power of solar energy storage for your home and school with Corey Ramsden of United Solar Neighbors. The presentation takes a consumer’s perspective on how the technology …

Do my actions matter?

You’ve seen the headlines, read the stories, and now “climate” has officially been added to the list in your head of important, intimidating issues society needs to solve ASAP. You’ve …

How to lead the charge to help your schools go solar

Last month, hundreds of thousands of students around the globe walked out of school to speak up for their future and participate in Youth Strike 4 Climate. The actions of young …

Solar-powered science in Michigan

Part 3 of a series of 3 case studies on successful solar school campaigns. Be sure to check out part 1 and part 2 as well. The science department at a southeast Michigan high school is …

The basics of rooftop solar

When it comes to solar panels on homes, a lot of us might categorize ourselves as “curious but clueless”. We know the basic idea—that solar can create electricity for your …

Ten tips to help you conquer the Energy Challenge

More than ever before, individuals like us can help drive forward our transition to clean energy. We have the power to stand up, speak up, and make smart choices—in how …

Head of the class: School districts lead the charge towards 100% clean energy

Part 2 of a series of 3 case studies on successful solar school campaigns.See part 1 here and part 3 here. With the price of solar installations dropping dramatically in …

Solar Generates Learning Opportunities

With a tight budget and aging school facilities, Richmond Public Schools hadn’t really considered going solar until the Community Foundation of Richmond announced its RVA Solar Fund. The fund awarded …

Seventh grader switches her school to solar

Part 1 of a series of 3 case studies on successful solar school campaigns.See part 2 here and part 3 here. Montana seventh grader Claire Vlases propelled her independent study project into …

This holiday, put an electric vehicle on your wish list

It’s hard to believe they’re still running those ads—you know, the ones where the spouse surprises her partner with a shiny new SUV, festooned with an oversized red bow? We’re …