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Author: Visceral Dev Admin

I want to buy an EV… now what?

You’ve signed the Going Electric Pledge, or perhaps you were inspired by an EV-driving friend or colleague, but in any case, you’ve decided you want to drive electric. Now what?! …

Between a Rock and a Gavel

The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of polluters when they sided against recognizing the U.S. EPA’s legal authority to regulate carbon dioxide. This ruling was a major blow …

Let’s celebrate energy independence

Every July 4th, the smell of burgers grilling, sound of firecrackers bursting, and sight of sparklers sizzling remind us of the freedom we enjoy here in America. As we clean …

From the Desk of Gen180: What We’re Reading

Looking to beef up your knowledge and get inspired on clean energy and climate this summer? We’ve got you. Whether you’re tanning poolside this summer, finally hiking the Appalachian Trail, …

Should I buy carbon offsets for my summer vacay?

After a grueling couple of years, that summer vacation you kept putting off is right around the corner. Between thoughts of piña coladas and palm trees, a wave of guilt …

Why we love heat pumps and induction stoves, and you should, too.

Slowly but surely, the American electric grid is getting cleaner. In fact, we’ve added so much renewable energy that this summer, the biggest power generation boosts will come from wind …

Investing in the climate while you sleep

This post originally appeared in Looking Forward, the climate solutions newsletter from Fix, Grist’s solutions lab. It was written by Fix’s climate solutions fellow, Marigo Farr.   On this Earth Day …

Fossil fuel companies lied bigtime. What action do we take?

Over the past few years, an epic tale of intrigue has rocked the climate change community – a story that reflects the best of crime fiction but that sadly is …

Philadelphia students prepare for their Bright Solar Futures

This story was originally written for the Powering a Brighter Future in Pennsylvania, a 2022 report on solar at Pennsylvania K-12 schools. Photo Credit: Pennsylvania Energy Authority — Pennsylvania has …

Youth activists in Pittsburgh call for groundbreaking climate action 

This story was originally written for the Powering a Brighter Future in Pennsylvania; a 2022 report on solar at Pennsylvania K-12 schools. — Youth climate activists across Pittsburgh are speaking …