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Category: Energy transition

Keep the good (clean) energy going: Five reasons to be optimistic

When it comes to the clean energy forecast, it’s easy to think the picture is grim at first glance–from industry layoffs and production delays due to coronavirus to the EPA’s …

Clean energy is contagious (no mask required)

If you’re thinking about putting solar on your roof or buying an electric vehicle (EV), chances are you have a friend or neighbor that’s already done it. Research shows that …

Scrubbing dirty fuels from the ivory tower

Sadly, there’s no shortage of things to be outraged about these days. But here’s a hopeful trend:  the movement among the world’s major higher education institutions to cut ties with …

An opportunity to invest in a better future

On most (quarantine) days, it might feel a smidge perverse to think of the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity. Our economy is going to hell, we’re losing jobs in droves, …

The Expert Take: Katherine Hamilton on our energy transition

At Generation180, we’re working to inspire and equip individuals to get involved in the energy transition. It’s complex and it’s big. So to provide a better sense of where we’re …

Better Battery Technology: The Tipping Point For EV Adoption?

A version of this post by Mal Skowron was first published on the blog of Electrify Your Ride VA partner Green Energy Consumer Alliance The 21st century brought us faster processing …

Understanding Energy Storage

Learn about the power of solar energy storage for your home and school with Corey Ramsden of United Solar Neighbors. The presentation takes a consumer’s perspective on how the technology …

Why we need to electrify everything

What does it take to get fossil fuels out of our lives? A big part of the answer is “the electrification of everything”. No, it’s not just industry jargon—it’s a …

“Local Energy”: why it’s happening now

We’ve written an update and expanded on this topic. Give this page a read and then check out the update. We hear a lot these days about “going local.” We …

The new face of energy

The energy transition is happening. Across the world we are seeing radical shifts in how we produce our energy, and how we use. Energy democracy has come to the American …