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Category: Take Action

I want to buy an EV… now what?

You’ve signed the Going Electric Pledge, or perhaps you were inspired by an EV-driving friend or colleague, but in any case, you’ve decided you want to drive electric. Now what?! …

Should I buy carbon offsets for my summer vacay?

After a grueling couple of years, that summer vacation you kept putting off is right around the corner. Between thoughts of piña coladas and palm trees, a wave of guilt …

Investing in the climate while you sleep

This post originally appeared in Looking Forward, the climate solutions newsletter from Fix, Grist’s solutions lab. It was written by Fix’s climate solutions fellow, Marigo Farr.   On this Earth Day …

Flip the Script Greatest Hits: Our 100th Issue

Last week was our 100th newsletter! Like all of us, we know you’ve been counting with bated breath. That means we’ve given you 100 weeks of insightful, exciting, and inspiring …

In predicting the future of climate change, we are the X factor

Over the past few decades, climate modelers have been busy tinkering with their datasets and scenarios to try to make sense of where we’re headed. For the most part, it …

Say what? We need a new way to talk about clean energy

Ever wondered how the photovoltaic power of a residential solar + storage system (solar array working in tandem with a battery storage system) uses net metering while producing net zero …

What does being a “clean energy voter” mean?

State primary election season is gearing up, kicking off Tuesday in Texas and continuing across the country into September. If you care about the climate, these elections are worth paying …

The Energy Transition is about People Power

By now, you might have a pretty good sense of what the clean energy future looks like, at least from a technological standpoint. Maybe your neighbors are installing solar panels …

How to be a voice of reason in an age of misinformation

You’ve heard the myth, in one form or another: Clean energy is unreliable. At this time last year, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and others hawked a version of that theme …

This year, “get clean” by quitting fossil fuels

By now, most of us are pretty aware that 1) there’s a climate crisis and that we need to do something about it ASAP, and 2) that we’ve got a …