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CBS This Morning spotlights Generation180 and Arkansas school district

CBS This Morning spotlights Generation180 and Arkansas school district

Because we need all the good news we can get these days, stories like this one from CBS This Morning are worth celebrating. The segment talks about the growing adoption of solar nationwide and spotlights data from our 2020 Brighter Future report. The story features the solar success of Batesville School District in Arkansas, and we were excited to help facilitate the story’s production and provide data around the larger trend of solar on K-12 schools.

If “Batesville, Arkansas” rings a bell for some of you, it’s because we highlighted it in our 2020 Brighter Future report. Thanks to their leadership, the district is saving nearly $100,000 each year—and has channeled much of those savings into teacher pay raises of up to $15,000/teacher. It’s a flat out, slam dunk, win-win, grab-a-kleenex, real-life story—and exactly the kind of good news we aim to spread widely.

So watch the segment and then share it with someone who needs a dose of positivity!

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Whether you’re a parent, city leader, or solar advocate, our Solar for All Schools campaign can help you bring solar to your community.

We have the most comprehensive database of solar schools in the country—and it’s all on a searchable map. Our 2020 Brighter Future Report outlines how and why schools are going solar across the country and features a How-To guide to equip you to get started. Our Help Desk offers a wealth of educational resources for the classroom, an introduction to solar financing and PPAs, and outlines relevant state energy policies. Dive in and get started!