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Climate books on our summer reading list – 2023 edition

Climate books on our summer reading list – 2023 edition

There’s not much that beats reading a good book while nestled under an umbrella, beach-side. Even if the only trip on your horizon this summer involves playing lifeguard at your neighborhood pool, a good book has the power to transform your stay-cation into a vacation that takes you places (at least in your mind).

That’s where the Gen180 team comes in. We’ve curated a list from our bookshelves that you can dive into—no matter where the dog days find you this summer.

Author’s note: Wondering what the most climate-friendly way to get these books is? Skip the two-day shipping shortcut (it might be nice for you, but not the planet) and support a local bookstore or search for the books at your local library. Prefer to find your books online? Check out Bookshop, which gives readers the convenience of online shopping for books and audiobooks while supporting independent bookstores at the same time.



Wendy’s Pick: Not Too Late, by Rebecca Solnit and Thelma Young Lutunatabua

Not Too Late is the perfect guide to take us from endless climate despair to climate hope. Through a collection of powerful essays and interviews with climate scientists, Indigenous activists, and climate organizers, this book showcases how each of us contributes a unique perspective and has a responsibility in the global climate movement. This book affirms that a better, cleaner future is not out of reach. Keep reading →

Stuart’s Pick: The Deluge, by Stephen Markley

Not everything on our bookshelves is nonfiction. In this climate-fiction novel, Markley describes a world facing the reality of climate change: the weather grows increasingly hostile and resources become scarce. This prompts action but political schemes and capitalistic roadblocks stifle progress. Throughout the story, each storm and each wildfire provoke a sense of urgency for us to get a glimpse of our future if we don’t act now. Keep reading →

Kay’s Pick: The Revolution Will Be Hilarious: Comedy for Social Change and Civic Power, by Caty Borum

Borum offers an insider’s look at how comedy and social justice activists are working together in a revolutionary media moment, arguing that building creative power is crucial for marginalized groups to build civic power. Comedy can play the perfect creative and disruptive storytelling tactic to help challenge the status quo and shift social norms. (Editor’s note: Caty and the Center for Media & Social Impact’s GoodLaugh initiative at American University are partners with Gen180 presenting the Climate Comedy Cohort). Keep reading →

Nessa’s Pick: No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference, by Greta Thunberg

This collection of speeches by the climate activist Greta Thunberg is compelling and inspiring. The book covers her journey, from leading a one-person school strike for the climate in 2018 to addressing world leaders at the United Nations. Her book emphasizes the urgency of immediate action on the climate crisis and the power of youth activism, as no one is too small to make a difference. Keep reading →

Some people say that I should study to become a climate scientist so that I can ‘solve the climate crisis’. But the climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is to wake up and change.

— Greta Thunberg


David’s Pick: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer, with pictures by Elizabeth Zunon

I’ve been looking for books to introduce climate topics to my three-year-old son. This one resonated with me because of its focus on the action one child took to introduce clean energy to his community. Beautifully illustrated, this story inspires anyone reading it that even when facing adversity—a great idea coupled with a lot of determination and hard work can still change the world. Keep reading →

Want more recommendations? Check out our bookshelf recommendations from 2022. Looking for individual actions that can add up – check out our list here.

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