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Take Action

Type: Facilities and Sustainability Leaders

Mark Carnes

Mark “JJ” Carnes is the Business Manager for Steelton-Highspire School district, an underfunded urban school district in Pennsylvania. His public school district is the first in the state to power …

John Coles

As the Environmental Program Manager for Albemarle County Public Schools, John leads ACPS in implementing the goals of the County’s Climate Action Plan. John secured grant funding to purchase ACPS’ …

Kate Crosby

Kate Crosby has served as the Energy Manager for the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District for 12 years. She manages a wide variety of energy and sustainability initiatives, including the transition …

Jamee Alston

Jamee Alston serves as a Management Analyst at Prince George’s County Public Schools, (PGCPS) where she passionately engages and collaborates with students, educators, staff, new construction projects, and the Climate …

Gilbert Rosas

Gilbert helped procure over $10M in grants and managed the construction of charging infrastructure for Stockton Unified School District’s 24 electric school buses. SUSD installed 6.8 MW of solar and …

Kat Davis

Kat Davis is the Advisor for Climate Justice at Portland Public School where she oversees the implementation of the district-wide Climate Crisis Response, Climate Justice, and Sustainable Practices Policy. Kat …

Kyley Delphia

Kyley Delphia, Director of Facilities at Spring Hill School District, helped bring the first ground-mounted solar array to the school district and more than tripling the size of the second …

David Childress

Under David’s leadership, Louisa County innovated solar-powered wireless internet mobile stations built by students to provide free Wi-Fi to the community. Additionally, he pursued solar projects that will save the …

Tony Sparks

Tony Sparks works for the Facilities Design + Construction Department of Albuquerque Public Schools, where he is Project Manager for HVAC Systems, Energy Efficiency & Sustainability, and Coordinator of the …

Trevor Vuono

Trevor Vuono is the Energy Manager for Virginia Beach City Public Schools. VBCPS procured its first solar power purchase agreement and net zero school. Trevor works with a team of …