Brighter Future: A Study on Solar in U.S. K-12 Schools (Fourth Edition, 2022)
With nearly 50 million students attending over 130,000 K-12 schools, the education sector has an important role to play in our country’s transition to clean energy. This report tracks and analyzes the progress of the movement and shares the success stories of schools that are leading the way.

Key Findings

On the Path to a Brighter Future
This report found that America’s schools are making progress on the switch to clean energy. Since 2015, the amount of solar installed at K-12 schools has tripled and the number of schools with solar has doubled. Despite this growth, only one in ten public K-12 schools have gone solar.
The State of Solar at U.S. K-12 Schools
Nearly 1 in 10 Public Schools Has Solar

Growth of Solar
Since 2015, the amount of solar installed by K-12 schools has tripled
Solar Potential
If all U.S. K-12 schools were 100% powered by solar, they would offset the carbon dioxide emissions each year of 16 coal-fired power plants.

Mapping the Solar Movement

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Schools save money with solar.
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Success Stories
Albuquerque Public Schools, NM
Leading the Charge Towards Resiliency
Solar with battery storage and microgrids provide backup power during grid disruptions and prevent interruptions to student learning. Schools with these technologies can serve as emergency community shelters during natural disasters and prolonged power outages. Learn how Albuquerque Public Schools became a state leader in the deployment of solar plus battery storage.
Pittsburg Unified School District, CA
District Leadership Paves The Way to Electrification
School districts are transitioning away from fossil fuels by electrifying their buildings and vehicles and switching to clean energy power sources. Learn how Pittsburg Unified School District has taken a comprehensive approach to sustainability that includes building electrification, electric vehicles, solar, and battery storage.
Heart Butte Public Schools, MT
Community Solar Benefits Tribal Members
Community solar expands access to the benefits of solar to renters and those who can’t install their own solar array. Schools are increasingly participating in community solar projects as the hosts and as subscribers. Learn how the high school on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation is hosting a community solar project in order to help its neighbors lower their electric bills.
Denver Public Schools, CO
Lighting the Path to Solar Energy Careers
Solar photovoltaic installer is expected to be one of the country’s fastest growing occupations over the next decade. High schools around the country are training their students with the skills and knowledge to start a career in this dynamic sector. Learn how Denver Public Schools developed a summer Renewable Energy Academy to give its students a head start on careers in clean energy.
Tucson Unified School District, AZ
Cultivating Tomorrow’s Scientists through Agrivoltaics
Solar technology is being used by schools in creative ways to provide real-world, hands-on learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math. Learn how Tucson Unified School District is cultivating future scientists with hands-on research in agrivoltaics.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools, FL
Students and Parents Spark Progress Toward 100% Clean Energy
Community activists are speaking up and urging their schools to transition to clean energy and be part of the climate solution. Learn how students and parents in Miami, Florida led the charge for a commitment to reach 100% clean energy by 2030.