Deborah Coles, the Louisa County Public Schools Director of Transportation, Safety and Security, leads the district on it’s transition to electric school buses (ESBs).

Since early 2021, Louisa County Public Schools has been operating two electric school buses (ESBs) as part of their fleet. These buses were two of the first electric school buses deployed in the Commonwealth and have since served as an example of how ESBs can serve a variety of school districts and their needs.

In addition to fleet benefits, the community has also gained from these buses. As Ms. Coles explained, “The community is in awe and are enthused that we have electric buses. All students want to ride the electric bus and their comments are centered around the ‘awesomeness’ of the ride. The quiet engine makes conversation possible as you don’t have to yell to be heard”.

After seeing the successful integration of their first two buses, Louisa County has pursued additional funding for more electric school buses and recently received the delivery of two more buses which were awarded through an EPA grant.

Ms. Coles’ advice to other school districts interested in electric school buses is that while each school division’s terrain is unique, “you know your terrain and your area, so if the grant fits your budget, go for it!”