Dr. Eric J. Becoats, Superintendent of William Penn School District (WPSD), has made remarkable strides in advancing sustainability and energy efficiency within his district. Recognizing the urgent need for updates following the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Becoats spearheaded the development of a comprehensive 10-year Long-Range Facilities Master Plan, identifying $160 million in needed updates. Given the financial constraints of his cash-strapped district, he successfully pursued grants and alternative funding to alleviate the burden on taxpayers. His leadership has been instrumental in securing a $7.2 million grant from the DOE’s 2024 Renew America’s Schools program, which will fund high-efficiency upgrades and a solar array that will cover 155% of the high school’s energy needs. This is part of Dr. Becoat’s broader vision that includes a second solar project aimed at further reducing energy costs and enhancing sustainability.