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It’s Time: Lessons from Climate Week NYC 2024

It’s Time: Lessons from Climate Week NYC 2024

This week, several Gen180 team members paid the Big Apple a visit for Climate Week NYC. This annual climate event brings together the world’s most influential sustainability leaders – representing business, government, and civil society – to create a diverse platform for climate action and to celebrate the progress we’ve made so far.

The theme this year: “It’s Time.” People and companies are waking up to the fact that we need to act– fast–as they see the effects of climate change all around them. Yet, we’re still not going fast enough. We need to break down barriers holding us back.

Gen180’s mission — to inspire and equip people to take clean energy action — aligns perfectly with this year’s call for immediate and meaningful change through urgent action, hope, and collaboration.

Multiplication and addition work better than division and subtraction. When we do things together, we make better decisions and get better results.


–President Bill Clinton

Tish: Multiplication and addition work better than division and subtraction

President Bill Clinton opened the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting in New York City by saying, ‘Multiplication and addition work better than division and subtraction. When we do things together, we make better decisions and get better results.” 

Generation180 came to Climate Week NYC with the goal of finding new partners to add to our network and new ways to collaborate to multiply our impact. Last year, Generation180 joined the Clinton Global Initiative community and made a commitment to expand our national Electrify Our Schools program to more states across the country. In order to achieve our vision to power all schools with clean energy, we must work together.

At this year’s CGI Annual Meeting, Tish Tablan hosted a Community-Led Roundtable to bring together stakeholders working in a variety of sectors to discuss how we can leverage federal funding opportunities to create resilient communities powered by clean energy.  The most powerful part of the session was the opportunity to connect people, who focus on issues ranging from schools to low-income housing to urban forestry and more, and create the space for them to share ideas and collaborate in real time. 

Tish Tablan with Chelsea Clinton, Hailey Campbell, and CGI Fellows

Tish also had the opportunity to be a mentor for Hailey Campbell, one of twenty-five young global leaders selected to be in the inaugural cohort of Clinton Global Initiative Fellows. As the co-founder of a new nonprofit Care About Climate, which organizes a network of international young climate leaders, Hailey is now connecting with Generation180 on how we can support and amplify each other’s work. 

Janet: It’s time for everyone to get involved 

Attending Climate Week NYC for the first time was an unforgettable experience and was my first-ever climate conference. As a recent UVA graduate and athlete, I know firsthand the power of teamwork, and Climate Week felt like the ultimate team sport with a strong sense of camaraderie with everyone united around the same goal: accelerating climate solutions.

One panel we attended, “Collectively Triggering Positive Tipping Points”, was an important session that reminded us that small actions, when scaled, have the potential to create lasting impact. 

Whether it’s individuals driving EVs, households electrifying their appliances, or schools installing solar, the cumulative impact of these actions can move the needle reducing carbon emissions.


Stuart: It’s time to bring laughter and joy to the climate movement

We kicked off the week with some levity by joining Yellow Dot, Fossil Free Media, and Gas Leaks for their show: “Let’s Not Die.”  hosted by none other than one of Gen180’s Climate Comedy Cohort Fellows, Pratima Mani. (The CCC is a project co-created with Gen180 and American University’s Center for Media and Social Impact). 

Actor Rainn Wilson was the celebrity guest at a Solutions House event.
Actor Rainn Wilson was the celebrity guest at a Solutions House event.

Even the most pressing challenges can be met with joy and laughter. Humor can be a powerful tool for connection and reflection. Laughter is an act of resilience — one that can bring people together in unexpected ways by breaking down barriers. That’s why Generation180 places such a strong emphasis on the use of humor and creativity to reach new audiences and educate them about clean energy solutions, whether that be through stand-up comedy, a meme, or a funny video

Now is a crucial period for the climate movement. Whether it’s supporting clean energy initiatives on ballots, speaking up in favor of climate-friendly policies, or electrifying  your personal life, it’s time to act. Let’s work toward a clean energy future where everyone is part of the solution.