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Author: Visceral Dev Admin

Join us for a conversation with a (championship-winning) electric racing team

What do 175mph street races through Hong Kong and our global transition to clean transportation have in common? Formula E, the world’s premier all-electric street-racing series, continues to be a …

Blue skies: just one of the reasons to drive electric (ASAP)

Remember those clear skies city-dwellers got a glimpse of during lockdown? As the economy starts (thankfully!) cranking again and resumes burning fossil fuels, they definitely won’t stick around for long. …

Scrubbing dirty fuels from the ivory tower

Sadly, there’s no shortage of things to be outraged about these days. But here’s a hopeful trend:  the movement among the world’s major higher education institutions to cut ties with …

Solar: why everybody and their uncle are doing it (or should be)

If your house is among the 80 percent of American homes that are “solar viable” (according to Google’s Project Sunroof), now might actually be a smart time to start powering your …

An opportunity to invest in a better future

On most (quarantine) days, it might feel a smidge perverse to think of the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity. Our economy is going to hell, we’re losing jobs in droves, …

New state laws open the door for more solar on Virginia’s schools

On April 11, Virginia officially began its transformation from a clean energy laggard to a regional leader. By signing the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA), Governor Northam enacted landmark legislation …

Students Working Towards a Brighter Future

Meet our three student interns who are already rising stars in solar Successfully advocating for solar at one of the largest school districts in the country. Designing a solar-powered light …

Fast Charging: The Final Piece Of The Charging Puzzle

A version of this post by Mal Skowron was first published on the blog of Electrify Your Ride VA partner Green Energy Consumer Alliance. This is part 3 in a series …

Electric Car Charging 101

A version of this post by Mal Skowron was first published on the blog of Electrify Your Ride VA partner Green Energy Consumer Alliance. This is part 2 in a series of …

Four Hoos. Two Teams. One race to JPJ.

If that headline doesn’t pique your interest, this video isn’t for you. If you want to see ESPN’s Cory Alexander drag race Dave “Voice of the Cavaliers” Koehn in an …