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Author: Visceral Dev Admin

Driving green instead of yellow: An interview with the first electric school bus driver in Maine

With significant investment from federal and state governments, the math on electric school buses now pencils out. Electric school buses are a cleaner, safer alternative to dirty diesel buses—and cheaper …

You don’t want to miss this 2022 recap and what’s next

Happy New Year! Growth was the word for Generation180 in 2022: Expanding into new states, growing our network of clean energy ambassadors, launching a new comedy program–and much more. Here’s …

How apartment buildings and condos can help turn the tide toward EVs

So you live in an apartment complex with onsite parking, and you want to get an electric car. Where will you charge your new ride? It’s a big question for …

This holiday season, don’t clam up about climate

Welcome to The Holiday Season! Your challenge, should you choose to accept it: Engage with that relative who loves to talk about how climate change is a hoax every time …

Sustainable Gift Guide: 10 Climate-Conscious Gifts to Give

Don’t end up on the naughty list! Shop climate-smart this holiday season. If you’re going to give, opt for one of these thoughtful choices and you’ll avoid giving something that …

Solar and Farming Go Together Like Turkey and Mashed Potatoes

If the thought of pouring rich gravy over your turkey and mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving has you salivating, you’re not alone. The two go together perfectly. But you know what’s …

Seven practical steps to save our planet: An interview with Hal Harvey

Regardless of the final outcome of the mid-term elections, there are concrete steps that you, individually, can choose to take right now for clean energy progress. In The Big Fix: …

Why Art Matters

Ultimately, our laws and policies change because the hearts and minds of people change. One way in which we can bridge the gap between scientific facts about climate change and …

Your Vote Matters

If you are a human living on planet earth (which most of us are), then clean energy is an issue that affects your life and your future.   It is …

Four ways red states are benefiting from clean energy development

Sometimes American political discourse can feel so divisive that it seems we face an unbridgeable chasm. But on some issues – like in the case of clean energy – there …