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Category: Electric Vehicles

Thinking of getting an EV? Your neighbor just might convince you.

Have a neighbor who owns an electric vehicle? Ask them to tell you about it—or better yet, to let you take it for a spin. Pretty soon, you may be …

Clean Energy Doubleheader: 9/27–10/4

The end of September is gonna be a big week for clean energy. Two virtual event series—The National Solar Tour and Electrify Your Ride Week—covering our two favorite topics: solar power and electric …

Who’s up for an EV road trip?

This article is from the September 2, 2020, issue of Flip the Script, a weekly newsletter moving you from climate stress to clean energy action. Sign up here to get …

Get in on this e-bike raffle for Electrify Your Ride Week

The first ever Electrify Your Ride Week is coming soon, and we decided to giveaway a legit, beautiful e-bike to celebrate. Here at Generation180 we’re big on electrifying transportation—whether it’s …

Can we finally kill off this zombie EV myth?

Anyone that’s spent a few minutes googling “electric vehicles” has likely encountered a common misconception around EVs, one that continues to linger around public conversation like a mysterious, persistent body …

Electric school buses are ready for primetime

For regular readers of our blog, the following statement won’t be new news to you: solar energy is now a smart investment for schools to save money, provide STEM learning …

It’s time to rethink how we get around

Public transit has taken a huge hit from the coronavirus pandemic. Subway and bus ridership are way down, and, in a true sign of the times, some New Yorkers are …

Formula E: from the racetrack…to your driveway

If you’re a sports fan, there’s a new(ish) event you can feel great about watching: Formula E auto racing. As Formula One’s electric little brother, Formula E is fast, furious, …

Join us for a conversation with a (championship-winning) electric racing team

What do 175mph street races through Hong Kong and our global transition to clean transportation have in common? Formula E, the world’s premier all-electric street-racing series, continues to be a …

Blue skies: just one of the reasons to drive electric (ASAP)

Remember those clear skies city-dwellers got a glimpse of during lockdown? As the economy starts (thankfully!) cranking again and resumes burning fossil fuels, they definitely won’t stick around for long. …