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Category: Energy transition

We came, we saw, we GreenFested

Last week, the Gen180 team took on the Pacific Northwest for the inaugural Bloomberg Green Festival. The Festival predominantly celebrated progress and emphasized the scalable solutions of climate change (including …

Going green, globally: An interview with the founders of The Green Journey

After leaving the corporate world, Megan and Polo teamed up to start their own climate journey and bring people along as they travel the world only using clean transportation methods: …

When you’d rather walk: Small steps make for large boosts in liveability

How walkable is your town? If you live in the United States and answered “very,” you’re in a lucky minority. In a recent study of nearly 800 cities, North America …

Many voices unite to create the first school district climate action plan in Maryland

In Prince George’s County, Maryland, students, parents, teachers, school officials, and local government leaders came together to commit to a bold goal of carbon neutrality by 2040 and to make …

School leadership in sustainability celebrated at the White House

On Apr 26, 2024, Generation180 participated in the first-ever White House Summit for Sustainable and Healthy K-12 School Buildings and Grounds, an event that brought together the leading school district …

Schools harness solar at a global scale

America’s schools are making progress on the switch to clean energy. Since 2015, the amount of solar installed at K-12 schools has tripled and the number of schools with solar …

Takeaways from the Create Good Conference

Recently Generation180 attended the Create Good Conference, which brings together nonprofit communicators from around the country doing meaningful and eye-catching work to share what they’ve learned so the “whole sector …

From electrifying her home to electrifying her community

Meet Shannon of Portland, Oregon. She started with upgrading her own home, and now works with Electrify PDX to help other Portland residents make the switch to reap the benefits …

2023 in Review

Inspiring K-12 School Leaders We hosted the first-ever Clean Energy Schools Symposium, bringing together K-12 school leaders to share success stories and best practices for going solar and electrifying school …

America’s Clean Energy Pie

We hope you’ll enjoy this recipe as you reunite with friends and family this holiday season. Educating Americans about how they can benefit from the clean energy transition is an …