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Transitions: A Big Thank You and A Warm Welcome

Transitions: A Big Thank You and A Warm Welcome

This week’s Flip the Script is all about transitions. Today, we offer a bittersweet farewell to Wendy Philleo, who, after leading Generation180 for the past six years as our first Executive Director, has decided to pass the baton. Wendy’s vision for Gen180 has included a focus on innovation, creativity, and a “culture of abundance.”

She has played a critical role in the success of our organization. During her tenure, Wendy helped Generation180 to:

  • Grow a movement of 100,000+ clean energy advocates and followers
  • Build clean energy campaigns in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Georgia, and North Carolina 
  • Create our Flip the Script campaign, working with comedians, musicians, and other unexpected advocates to inspire new audiences
  • Achieve 7.8 billion in earned media reach, including stories in The New York Times, The Guardian, CBS Mornings, Associated Press, & LA Times
  • Build our national Electrify Your Life and Electrify Our Schools campaigns
  • Grow a staff of 18 passionate clean energy leaders

We wish her well in this next chapter and are equally grateful that she will continue to advise Gen180 going forward.

Change is always an opportunity for growth. In that spirit, we’re very excited to announce that Stuart Gardner will be the next Executive Director of Gen180. Not only is Stuart a highly skilled leader and communicator, but he is deeply committed to our mission, having led Gen180’s Electrify Your Ride and Life programs, working to inspire and equip individuals to take action on clean energy, for the last four years. 

More about Stuart: Stuart is a father, a car enthusiast, and has a depth of strategic and programmatic experience Gen180 needs to take our organization to the next level of growth. Prior to joining Generation180 he led go-to-market strategy, product development, and launch campaign planning in the automotive industry. His automotive career spans from launching Volkswagen’s first electric vehicle in the US to supporting the re-introduction of the Dodge Brand into NASCAR auto racing. Stuart has worked and lived internationally, including roles in Brussels, Belgium and Pretoria, South Africa. He received a BS from Guilford College in Greensboro, NC, an MBA from United Business Institute in Brussels, Belgium, and a MA from University of Denver in Denver, CO. He volunteers in his neighborhood association and as a member of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee. 

Stuart is well-respected by the Gen180 team and partners alike. We consider ourselves lucky to have Stuart at the helm to take on the considerable opportunities in front of Gen180. 

We are grateful for Wendy’s many contributions as Generation180’s first Executive Director, where she served with great passion, creativity, positivity, and humor. Because of her work, we are well positioned to meet this moment in Generation180’s growth under Stuart’s leadership. 

“When I first came on board four years ago, I was inspired by Gen180’s creativity, work ethic, and constant optimism for the future. I continue to be inspired by our team and partners and thank the entire organization for this opportunity.
I look forward to growing our partnerships, our impact, and our momentum at an exciting time in our nation’s transition to a better, clean energy future for all. As we say at Gen180, ‘We’ve got this!’” – Stuart Gardner

Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Stuart about what’s next for Gen180 in the coming weeks. 

— The Generation180 Team