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Category: Energy transition

2023 in Review

Inspiring K-12 School Leaders We hosted the first-ever Clean Energy Schools Symposium, bringing together K-12 school leaders to share success stories and best practices for going solar and electrifying school …

America’s Clean Energy Pie

We hope you’ll enjoy this recipe as you reunite with friends and family this holiday season. Educating Americans about how they can benefit from the clean energy transition is an …

The Energy 180: Taking You From Guilt Trip to Power Trip

In this piece, Generation180’s executive director, Wendy Philleo, lays out how the fossil fuel industry has manipulated American consumers into climate inaction for decades. Armed with this information, we hope …

The Power of Numbers: Clean Energy Nuggets Showcase Clean Energy Momentum

While some things are causing national despair—America’s debt ceiling discussion, inflation, no longer having access to Netflix through your cousin’s best friend’s ex’s password—there are plenty of reasons to have …

The absurd truth about fossil fuel subsidies

This article was first published in an October 2021 issue of Flip the Script, a weekly newsletter moving you from climate stress to clean energy action. Sign up here to …

Generation180’s Work Recognized by the White House

Generation180 is excited to participate in the White House’s EV Acceleration Challenge to speed up the U.S. transition to an electric transportation future. In an announcement last month, the White …

You don’t want to miss this 2022 recap and what’s next

Happy New Year! Growth was the word for Generation180 in 2022: Expanding into new states, growing our network of clean energy ambassadors, launching a new comedy program–and much more. Here’s …

How apartment buildings and condos can help turn the tide toward EVs

So you live in an apartment complex with onsite parking, and you want to get an electric car. Where will you charge your new ride? It’s a big question for …

Battery storage is a key pillar of our clean energy future

ICYMI, batteries are the new black when it comes to clean energy. Power grids across the country are stressed by summer heat waves that are baking most American cities. What’s …

Let’s celebrate energy independence

Every July 4th, the smell of burgers grilling, sound of firecrackers bursting, and sight of sparklers sizzling remind us of the freedom we enjoy here in America. As we clean …