Pennsylvania enacts the Solar For Schools Act

Solar For Schools Act is a win for Pennsylvania’s schools

Since 2023, Generation180 has been rallying schools, partner organizations, and community members to support the Solar for Schools Act (HB1032), sponsored by Representative Elizabeth Fiedler.

On July 10, 2024, the Pennsylvania General Assembly overwhelmingly passed the Solar for Schools Act, a law that will create the state’s first grant program to fund solar for schools and make the financial, educational, and job-creating benefits of solar more accessible to Pennsylvania’s schools. The bill was signed by the Governor and the Department of Community and Economic Development has until October 2024 to develop the guidelines.

The Solar for Schools grant program will award funds to eligible public school districts, intermediate units, career and technical schools, and community colleges to purchase and install a solar energy project. Schools will apply to receive funding to cover up to 50% of the total cost of a solar project. The state funds can be stacked on top of other donations, grants, or federal funds available through federal incentives through the Inflation Reduction Act.

Features of the grant program include:

  • Grants will cover up to 50% of the total cost of a solar project.
  • Grants will be distributed equally across the state into three regions of equal population.
  • School districts within 50 miles of recent coal plant closures will be prioritized.
  • Districts that are eligible for the low-income tax credit bonus will be prioritized.
  • Projects must meet prevailing wage requirements.
  • Projects must comply with either the Separations Act or the Guaranteed Energy Savings Act.
  • Awarded projects will be tracked publicly on the Department of Education website to include the total cost of projects, then any rebates and incentives the project receives.

Generation180 will be sharing updates about program development and budget as more information becomes available. Please see the most recent press release highlighting bipartisan support. Last updated July 24, 2024.

Benefits of the Solar for Schools Act

Cost Savings for Schools

School districts that go solar could save significantly on electricity costs, since energy costs are the second-highest operational expense schools face after staffing. Schools can balance their budgets without sacrificing key programs by simply trimming utility bills, yet only 2% of Pennsylvania K-12 schools are taking advantage of this common-sense budget solution. At a time with volatile global energy markets and rising electricity prices, installing solar provides stability to a school district’s budget and enables schools to invest more tax dollars into student learning and other critical needs.

Workforce Development and STEM Education for Students

Pennsylvania schools and community colleges can use onsite solar projects to provide students with hands-on job training for fast-growing careers and real-world, STEM education. Solar PV installer is projected to be one of the fastest-growing occupations this decade, and schools need to be preparing graduates to fill these high-paying jobs. A recent survey found that 84 percent of clean energy employers in Pennsylvania are already having a hard time filling open positions with trained workers. The Solar for Schools Grant Fund will enable schools to develop new clean energy projects that support student learning, build a pipeline of needed solar workers, and create local jobs. 

Energy Independence and Resilience

Every school across the Commonwealth has access to abundant solar energy that can be harvested to generate electricity onsite and increase energy independence. The grant program helps fund solar energy projects that include battery storage to make school campuses resilient to power outages and able to serve as reliable emergency centers for the community. 

Increased Affordability for Disadvantaged Schools

High-poverty communities are eligible to receive grants for a higher percentage of eligible project costs. This state grant can be combined with the new federal grants and funding opportunities made available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act in order to cover the costs of a solar project and ensure the benefits of solar energy are accessible to underserved, disadvantaged, and energy communities throughout the Commonwealth.

In the News

Read more about HB 1032: Solar For Schools Bill