Back in January, we kicked off the new year with a campaign called What Story Will You Tell that asked people to share how they planned to take action on clean energy in 2020. The big idea: you have a role to play in the clean energy revolution; one year from now, what story will you tell?
Fast forward to today: we’re halfway through the year (where did….wha?) and it’s time to check back in with those resolutions—or make a “back nine” resolution for the rest of 2020 (never too late to start).
On the campaign page we shared a bunch of ideas and resources to help get the wheels turning, including going solar, driving electric, getting your school to go solar, advocating for clean energy policies, and even exercising civil disobedience. (Many of us may have checked off that last box already this year, for other worthy causes).

Even at the halfway mark, 2020 has already staked its claim as a year unlike any other in recent memory. Between a ruthless pandemic and an overdue reckoning with America’s original sin, we’ve all witnessed heartbreaking tragedy, pain, loss, violence, and unrest.
The brutal reality about yet another pressing issue—the climate crisis, however, is that it doesn’t pause or stop while we’re occupied with other important matters. It is, in fact, deeply intertwined with economic, racial, health, immigration, and a host of other major issues. Because of this we must continue accelerating our transition to clean, renewable energy as quickly as possible.
Here’s the good news: we can do this. We can get to a clean energy future—and quickly. We’ve got the solutions and the momentum, and you can play a role.
So what story will you tell this year? How will you finish your 2020?